
(327 Products)
Showing 20 Products per page
  • _Pro Grip Rally Grips | PGP-0786 | Greenland MX_
    £18.50 £15.59

  • _Scott Donuts | 2655171001222 | Greenland MX_
    £7.42 £6.76

Handlebar grips for your bike. We have all compounds.

We often do not attach the importance to the grips they deserve. Despite their apparent simplicity, they establish direct contact between our hands and the handlebars. Today there is a great variety of grips with different compounds and rigidity enabling us to find the compound that offers best response and control. At GreenlandMX we offer you a wide range of grips of different compounds: soft, medium, reinforced, double or triple compound, with built-in throttle tubes, without forgetting the grip covers for the workshop.